About the Authors

This website was created by a collection of authors who are passionate about leadership in digital contexts.

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Hello, my name is Elizabeth Cerreto and I am one of the bloggers on this site! I am majoring in broadcast journalism and working towards a minor in digital media. I enjoy writing, so blogging is a hobby of mine! In my freetime I enjoy shopping, hanging out with friends, or reading a good book. I think it is important to understand leadership in a digital context now-a-days because our society has become so digitalized and everything we do face-to-face can now be done through online platforms. Becoming a good leader digitally is just as important as being one in personal settings!

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Greetings! Jennifer Rodriguez, the official blogmaster here! This blog is meant to illustrate one of my true passions: the influence of political leadership into the realm of social media. I will present to you the positives as well as the challenges involved, and most importantly highlight why if affects YOU! As a senior pursuing a degree in Communications here at Rutgers University, I am eager to use this platform to promote awareness and self expression. My other interests include, funk music classics like Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye, roller coasters, pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain.

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Hello to the digital world! My name is Morgan Bade and I am very passionate about my major in communications and my minor in digital communication that I am studying at Rutgers University. I typically spend my days listening to music and hanging out with my friends. I even have music review website where I review my favorite artist’s recent albums. In today’s digital landscape it is important to realize that the digital world has a lot of impact on the real world. To be a leader in the digital world is to understand every aspect to take full advantage of this platform.


Hello, I am Nikki Weissman and I am a blogger on this page! I am senior here at Rutgers University and I am majoring in Communications and I have a minor in DCIM. I am excited to convey to you the positives effects social media has on leadership. The same way this platform can be used for entertainment, it is even better at being used for business.  Most people do not think of Twitter as something a leader or organization could benefit from, but it could be used as free marketing and promotion when done correctly. Some of my interest include spending time with friends, baking, and shopping!


Hi, my name is Kelly, and I am a fellow author for this blog page. I am a senior at Rutgers University and majoring in Information Technology & Informatics, with a minor in DCIM. In this blog, I present the empowering effects of social media, which is quite a fascinating topic. Given the fact that social media serves as one of the premier marketing and communication tools between individuals, and corporations. It provides an avenue in which interactions between the two are not mutually exclusive, customers, as well as organization leaders, can interact through various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or Reddit. Some of my interest include spending time with family and traveling.  

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