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Welcome to the Leadership Legacy blog where you will read all about social platforms and how they have changed society in positive and negative ways. Throughout our blog you will read about how celebrities and ordinary people used social media to help themselves stand out and build a brand for themselves. We will show you how some gained power and how some completely ruined their reputations because of social media. It is really interesting to see the ways the new social platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, to name a few, have changed the world we live in and have engaged others to digitally connect all over the world.

Our society as a whole is very dependent on social platforms to engage with people in their everyday lives. We have seen a huge shift in leadership styles in the past couple years because many people find it easier to revert to technology to get jobs done instead of working face-to-face. What do you think about this? Find out our thoughts throughout our blog and see how media and technology have begun to shape our leaders of today and the future!